An intensive training program for tech driven individuals who wish to launch a new and exciting career as Full stack developer, with both frontend and backend skills.
Become a web developer in 8 months Learn all of the skills, tools, and processes you need to become a Frontend Developers who specialize in building the client-side software.
Dobândește abilitățile teoretice și practice necesare pentru a deveni Data Analyst în doar 9 luni. Creează un portofoliu profesional care te va ajuta să obții un job bine plătit și să avansezi în carieră.
NewTech Academy's Excel Course will train you in some of the advanced features and skills that will improve your Excel skills and make you a spreadsheet professional.
Alege cursul de Graphic Design, UX – creează și proiectează produse și servicii digitale utile și originale. Dezvoltă-ți skillurile și devino un specialist calificat.
Cursuri marketing online cu trainer. Devino Marketing Specialist: invata SM Marketing, SEO, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc la NewTech Academy.
Curs SQL acreditat pentru începători: învață limbajul sql pentru incepatori si obtine abilitatile necesare pentru o carieră de succes in Data Analytics.
University graduates that are not job-ready because they have only theoretical base but no experience.
People that want to learn a new profession and earn a higher salary.
Young people for whom a practical course in IT is more important than a theoretical one.
People that want to upgrade their tech skills and get a better position in their company.
People who must be up-to-date with the latest changes in the industry in order to improve their business.
People who took an unqualified online IT course that didn’t prepare them for the job.
Cursurile NewTech sunt potrivite mai multor categorii de persoane, cum ar fi persoanele cu zero experiență, și care vor să facă o reconversie profesională, dar și persoanelor care au deja experiență și vor să-și întărească cunoștințele. Mentorii mei, Mircea și Matei sunt foarte pregătiți și, m-au făcut mereu să învăț lucrurile într-un mod foarte ușor.
În doar câteva luni, am reușit să acumulez informații prețioase, datorită orelor de practică și datorită trainerilor, care sunt foarte bine pregătiți, extrem de dedicați și au abilitatea de a explica pe înțelesul fiecărui începător. Mulțumesc Academiei NewTech și mulțumesc Adnanei, că au reușit să pună bazele carierei mele!
Cel mai mare atu pe care acest curs îl oferă este faptul că ai acces la mentori ce te pot îndruma. Cel mai de preț și cel mai folositor aspect al cursului este sfatul unui mentor ce te cunoaște, știe nivelul la care ești și-ți poate personaliza drumul către a deveni un programator adevărat.
Dorești mai multe detalii despre cursurile noastre?
NewTech uses the latest tools and digital technology methodologies developed together with our leading tech Israeli partners.
Expert instructors and mentors with industry tech experience from leading companies.
Best in class training materials, workshops and interactive learning platform that are continually updated with the IT industry demand.
Our education consultant will introduce you to our programs and will help you choose the right course for you.
Create an amazing portfolio with practical projects that will help you lend your desired job.
Our career guidance and strong collaboration with major tech companies offer the best job opportunities for you.
Alex has 20 years in Software and Technology and 7 years in Electronics and Robotics.
He joined MRM Romania team after spending 8 years in London where he had had a number of roles: Senior Software Engineer (MMT Digital), Lead Software Engineer and Creative Technologist (Cheil London) and Head of Technology at CP+B (Crispin Porter and Bogusky).
With more than 20 years of experience delivering technology-differentiated solutions to private, public and international customers, Alex Budin drives innovation strategy and growth for the company’s solutions and ensures technology excellence.
Nicoleta Eftimiu is a top management professional with more than 20 years of well-rounded experience in both local entrepreneurial companies as well as big multinationals.
In the past 15 years she has worked for The Coca-Cola Company in different leadership positions both in her native country, Romania, as well as abroad, the most recent assignment being Vice President and General Manager for Central Europe, leading the teams of 5 countries, while also serving as advisory Leadership Team member for the CEE Business Unit.
In the past 2 years, Nicoleta has led the digital transformation of Coca-Cola in Central Europe, advancing the agenda on key initiatives like data programmatic, e-commerce and sustainability.
Alexandra is a lecturer at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, an expert evaluator in digital innovation for the European Commission and a senior consultant in digitalization. She has a PhD in Systems Engineering, is passionate about Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain and aims to bring innovation and digital competitiveness closer to the Romanian public and companies. She has participated as an expert in numerous national and international projects and is the co-author of numerous books, book chapters and scientific papers published in international editions. She is also a coach and mentor in incubation programs and business accelerators, advisor and co-founder in tech startups, and works with entrepreneurs to develop and implement innovation strategies.
Codrut Savulescu joined the telecom industry in 1998, after 6 years of teaching as university professor.
He constantly maintains direct connection with universities and volunteers every year as a teacher for students in telecommunications.
Previous to joining Huawei in Marketing department, Codrut worked as radio frequency planning manager in the mobile industry and operational director in fixed telecom industry.
As strategy consultant within Huawei, Codrut Savulescu is focusing on promoting and analyzing the new business ecosystem enabled by 5G and its peers Cloud and AI, for a healthy and stable evolution through digitalization.
– 11 years experience in online content creation and building communities.
– Over one milion followers in YouTube
– Entrepreneur with several business ventures under his belt. Some successful, some not so much, but never discouraged.
Gabriel Trăistaru este directorul Diviziei Digitale din cadrul Orange Romania Communications și este responsabil în principal de implementarea de soluții digitale noi pentru eficientizarea operațiunilor companiei, de vânzările pe canalele digitale, de dezvoltarea și promovarea aplicației mobile MyAccount în rândul clienților Orange. Are peste zece ani de experiență în consultanță, digital marketing, e-commerce și comunicare digitală în companii multinaționale. Gabriel este activ în societatea civilă fiind unul dintre membrii fondatori ai think tank-ului Europuls.
Andrei Dumuța conducea echipa care răspunde de 2 cele mai mari platforme clasificate online din România: și, din categoria automotivă. OLX este un brand global cu 3000 de angajați în toată lumea, care activează în domeniile: Product, Tech și Data.