Full Stack Programmer


12 mos | 500 hrs | evenings

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    Become an experienced Full-Stack Developer in just 12 months.

    Learn both frontend and backend programming with a modern learning method using real life experience
    During this course you will complete projects both individually and in a team. You will complete tasks in HTML, CSS and JS as well as build a REST API with Spring Boot and more. All these projects will combine into an impressive portfolio that will make you an outstanding candidate for the tech job you desire.

    With years of experience in the Hi-tech field, our mentors will share their professional knowledge of the tech industry and will help you focus on what is important to learn in order to succeed.

    The Full-Stack Developer curriculum was developed by the Israeli tech education leader – Wawiwa Tech Training in collaboration with the industry’s leading companies. The course syllabus is continually updated, making this program relevant to the tech industry’s needs, assuring you will be job-ready upon graduation.

    Real world experience

    Real world experience

    Gain Real-World Experience through the Israeli Training Model of the Startup Nation

    Job Placement

    Job Placement

    Strong Industry Collaboration and Focus on Job Placement

    Cutting edge program

    Cutting edge program

    top notch training materials, workshops, interactive learning platform

    NewTech reviews

    Marian - Alexandru Boșcu, Teleorman
    Marian - Alexandru Boșcu, Teleorman
    Cursurile NewTech sunt potrivite mai multor categorii de persoane, cum ar fi persoanele cu zero experiență, și care vor să facă o reconversie profesională, dar și persoanelor care au deja experiență și vor să-și întărească cunoștințele. Mentorii mei, Mircea și Matei sunt foarte pregătiți și, m-au făcut mereu să învăț lucrurile într-un mod foarte ușor.
    Mihaela Popescu, București
    Mihaela Popescu, București
    În doar câteva luni, am reușit să acumulez informații prețioase, datorită orelor de practică și datorită trainerilor, care sunt foarte bine pregătiți, extrem de dedicați și au abilitatea de a explica pe înțelesul fiecărui începător. Mulțumesc Academiei NewTech și mulțumesc Adnanei, că au reușit să pună bazele carierei mele!
    Călin Munteanu, Târgu Mureș
    Călin Munteanu, Târgu Mureș
    Am început cursul cu o oarecare emoție, întrucât experiența mea în domeniul programării era 0. Însă, structura cursului care conține atât ore de teorie, dar și foarte multă practică, permite asimilarea treptată a informației, care nu este deloc puțină.
    Călin Pădurean, Cluj-Napoca
    Călin Pădurean, Cluj-Napoca
    Voiam să mulțumesc academiei NewTech pentru cursul pe care îl oferiți studenților, pentru faptul că reușiți să faceți ca niște oameni fără o pregătire prealabilă și fără un background sănătos de IT să înțeleagă ceva și să acumuleze un bagaj de cunoștințe considerabil.
    Daniela Cotigă, București
    Daniela Cotigă, București
    Nu am avut niciun fel de experiență în domeniu, dar datorită programei bine structurată, bazată atât pe teorie, cât și pe foarte multă practică, a trainerilor foarte implicați care m-au încurajat am ajuns de la un nivel zero, la un nivel avansat.
    Daniel Pădurean
    Daniel Pădurean
    Am luat-o de la zero, fără să am cunoștințe în domeniu. Instructorii au făcut o treabă foarte bună și doar după 7 luni de curs am reușit să mă angajez în domeniu, pe partea de frontend. Dacă dorești și tu să înveți programare, aici este un loc foarte bun unde poți să faci asta.
    Florin Capota
    Florin Capota
    Programa cursului este foarte bine structurată și se bazează pe practică și pe skill-urile necesare pentru a obține un job în IT. Cu ajutorul trainerilor, care au dat dovadă de profesionalism și disponibilitate, am reușit să mă angajez într-o companie internațională de tehnologie.
    Bogdan Ciolpan
    Bogdan Ciolpan
    Trainerul meu Alex este un om foarte profesionist care a fost alături de mine încă de la început și a reușit să mă îndrume până în momentul în care am reușit să capăt un job într-o firmă internațională de tehnologie.
    Adnana Mureșan
    Adnana Mureșan
    Am avut parte de o experiență foarte plăcută, ghidare permanentă, suport constant, dar și o echipă de traineri foarte dedicați și foarte implicați. La scurt timp după terminarea cursului am reușit să-mi găsesc un loc de muncă pe noua specializare dobândită.
    Mircea Dumitrescu
    Mircea Dumitrescu
    Cel mai mare atu pe care acest curs îl oferă este faptul că ai acces la mentori ce te pot îndruma. Cel mai de preț și cel mai folositor aspect al cursului este sfatul unui mentor ce te cunoaște, știe nivelul la care ești și-ți poate personaliza drumul către a deveni un programator adevărat.

    Who is the program for?

    University graduates

    University graduates that are not job-ready because they have only theoretical base but no experience.

    Career changers

    People that want to learn a new profession and earn a higher salary.


    Young people for whom a practical course in IT is more important than a theoretical one.

    Upskillers in the IT domain

    People that want to upgrade their tech skills and get a better position in their company.


    People who must be up-to-date with the latest changes in the industry in order to improve their business.

    Students of an online IT course

    People who took an unqualified online IT course that didn’t prepare them for the job.


    • HTML, HTML5
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • JavaScript basics
    • Object-Oriented JavaScript
    • DOM manipulation
    • AJAX
    • jQuery
    • Includes Algorithms and Logical Thinking
    • AngularJS
    • UI & UX

    • node.js
    • SQL (with MySQL)
    • JDBC
    • Spring boot applications
    • Designing an API
    • Authentication
    • Routing
    • Deploying web apps (with Heroku)

    Projects requiring integration of skills and knowledge from extended training periods. The training contains 3 step projects:

    1. Frontend: HTML, CSS, JS
    2. Backend (in pairs): REST API with Spring boot
    3. Full-Stack (in teams): Large-scale project integrating all of the skills, concepts and technologies acquired in the training

    Our team members

    Shay Hafzadi

    Shay has over 5 years of experience in the educational training in Romania, he is the CEO of Burlington English Romania – an international English school with millions of students worldwide. Prior to this, Shay was a business developer and manager of Adama Management SRL in Romania.
    Shay partnered Wawiwa Tech Training to bring the best It courses to Romania, that include advanced training materials, workshops and interactive learning platform that are continually updated with the IT industry demand.

    Shay Hafzadi CEO NewTech Academy
    Lavinia Chican

    Lavinia Chican is Senior Partner McCann PR Romania, the no. 1 PR agency in Romania, recognition given by BiZ and Unlock Market Research.

    Lavinia is top PR specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the industry, conducting campaigns for global brands spanning the FMCG, energy, consumer lifestyle, health, tech, retail, automotive and sports sectors.

    Lavinia’s professional achievements range from:
    – coordinating for more than 10 years the communication department of the most important tennis tournament from Eastern Europe – BRD Nastase Tiriac Trophy;
    – organizing top level McCann Conferences in leadership, education, innovation and sport;
    – founding the new GREATEENS platform, a McCann PR initiative designed for the discovery, development and promotion of new influencers;
    – founding the McCann Sport Division;
    – acting as Jury Member of Romanian PR Awards.


    • Most creative PR Agency in Romania 2020 and No 1 Agency in Romania – BizPR Awards
    • 1 Grand Prix & 1 Silver for the “Half Full Campaign”, Coca-Cola Romania – Golden Drum
    • 1 Silver for the “#Samefeeling Campaign”, Coca-Cola Romania – Golden Drum
    • 1 Silver for the Blood Donation Campaign, Red Cross – Golden Drum
    • 1 Gold (PR) for the “Bloodcast Campaign”, Crucea Rosie – IPRA
    • Most creative PR Agency in Romania 2019 and No. 1 turnover in 2019 – BizPR Awards
    • 1 Silver Award for Excellence, Media Relations for Coca-Cola Romania (Dorna), the “Cry for Life Campaign”, Save The Children Romania and for the for the “Broadcast for Blood. Donate Blood Constantly Campaign”, Crucea Rosie – Romanian PR Award
    • 1 Silver Award for Excellence for NGOs, the “Broadcast for Blood. Donate Blood Constantly Campaign”, Crucea Rosie and for the “Recycling Map Campaign”, Viitor Plus & McCann PR & Coca-Cola Romania – Romanian PR Award
    • 1 Silver Award for Excellence for Budget-, Creativity+, for the “Broadcast for Blood. Donate Blood Constantly Campaign”, Crucea Rosie – Romanian PR Award
    • 1 Golden Award for Excellence for Events for the “Gala Next Big Vlogger 2.0”, Coca-Cola Romania and 1 Silver Award for Excellence for Coca-Cola Romania (Dorna) & McCann PR & Save The Children Romania, the “Cry for Life Campaign” – Romanian PR Award
    • Press kit for Coca-Cola Romania, “Coke Specialty Launch | More than Retro KIT” – Romanian PR Award

    Lavinia Chican Co-Fondator NewTech Academy, Communication Director
    Dan Gheorghe

    Dan, a software enthusiast and winner of many competitions in the field, is Chief Technology Officer at NewTech. His professional experience as Director of Engineering & Site Leader of Intralinks and his pedagogical background as an assistant professor, reflect the needs of the IT job market and confirm the theoretical and practical approach that NewTech students need to achieve in pursuing their professional goals.

    Dan Gheorghe CTO NewTech Academy


    Frontend Developers work closely with designers and copywriters, who collaborate on bringing mockups and wireframes from planning to life. An eye for design, attention to details, and a strong desire to exceed expectations are essential traits. Even more important is the ability to handle critical feedback. Everyone has an opinion when it comes to frontend, and a good Frontend Developer is resilient to even the harshest of comments.

    Yes! All graduates who have successfully completed the program will receive a Frontend Developer certificate.

    Thousands of alumni use their course certificate to demonstrate skills to potential employers, along with their LinkedIn networks. Our web development programs are well-regarded by many top employers, who contribute to our curriculum and partner with us to train their own teams.

    If there are no restrictions, studies take place mainly at our physical center. In case of any travel or gathering restrictions, the program moves seamlessly online – with live interactive sessions with your trainers. Some learning materials – like class recordings and topics for self-study – can be watched on-demand from anywhere.

    Register your interest, take a 1-hour online assessment test, and have a talk with one of our career advisors.

    Don’t have a programming background? A 70-hour introductory program is available to close those gaps. Otherwise, all candidates take a computerized assessment to ensure that they have the right personality, as well as the basic math and logic skills, to complete the program and be successful in their future jobs. You might want to check out other programs that are suitable for individuals with no background in programming!

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    Find out all the details about our courses!
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